Title Insurance provides coverage for losses due to defects in the title that occurred prior to your ownership. It is your only protection against things such as unpaid taxes and liens, judgments against the seller, fraud or forgery on deeds and wills, missing heirs, transfer of title by a minor, or other issues that might go undetected until after closing and which could possibly jeopardize your ownership and investment.

The Owner's Title Insurance Policy

A Title order begins with an in-depth search of public records for the property’s ownership status and ownership issues that might be attached to the title of the property.

A Title search uncovers possible title issues like liens, judgments and information on prior loans, city assessments taxes, and other issues. There may be other parties such as government agencies, lenders, or private contractors who also have rights to the property in the form of outstanding claims.

Some risks though, such as filing errors, forgeries, or undisclosed heirs, are difficult to identify. Title searches are not infallible and you could remain at risk of financial loss. That’s when you need additional protection in the form of an Owner’s Title Insurance Policy.

An Owner’s Policy of Title Insurance insures your ownership rights to the property. It defends buyers from future property ownership claims, surprise liens, and other potentially costly complications with property titles.

When you buy a property and take out a mortgage loan, your Lender will require it as well. It protects the Lender’s interest in your property until your loan is paid off or refinanced.

“Let’s consider that a Homebuyer finds out after closing, that there are unpaid property taxes from the prior owner.

Without Title Insurance, the financial burden of this claim for back taxes will rest solely on the Buyer.

With Title Insurance, the Buyer is protected for as long as they own the property.”

WHAT IS TITLE INSURANCE and why do i need it?

We're here to guide you and answer all your questions.


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